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Anne-Marie's website is
Instagram: @annemarieperks
Twitter: @annmarieperks
Featured Illustrator:
Anne-Marie Perks
Quick fire questions​
When is your most productive time to work?
Early morning.
Drawing item you can’t live without?
My Prismacolor Col Erase blue pencil.
What music puts you in your groove?
Changes according to the project, but lately, Tom Waits, Hold On.
Age of child you most love to draw?
If you were an animal, what would you be?
My cat who lives a wonderful life.
Favourite, yes only one, children’s book of all time?
Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech for writing and A Monster Calls for Jim Kay’s artwork.
Illustrator, author from any time you most admire?
So many but for today, Jillian Tamaki.

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